Sunday, June 10, 2012

Blue Year's Eve! Not out of season at all!

So I was really sick for a few days, ended up getting some hospital treatment for dehydration and vitamin issues, but all is well now (so far!) and I can resume normal posting!!

Today I have this absolutely freaking stunning polish by China Glaze - Blue Year's Eve. It really didn't look like much when I first got it, just another pretty blue. Then I noticed that it was a bit duochrome! It shines purple occasionally!! None of my pictures really capture this very well. I blame cloudy PA weather.  It's still gorgeous even without the purple tint though.

I absolutely freaking adore the way my camera captures blues. They're always insanely color accurate no matter the lighting. Darker blues, anyway. 

Application was a breeze - two coats for full coverage and this is with NO TOP COAT. Yeah. Shocked? I was. So if you're a blue person, this is a polish you for sure want to pick up!!

Thanks for reading :)