
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Day 20 - Water Marble

All that can really be said about this attempt is: It didn't go as badly as I expected. I used only American Apparel - Army Jacket and China Glaze - Mahogany Magic. I added dots to cover up some weird spots. From a distance, it looks a lot cooler :)

I really love the color combination. I think the thing that hurt me the most was the sort of tooth pick I used for dragging. I have crappy squared tooth picks. They do not work well at all! 

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter (or just a nice Sunday!)

Thanks for reading :)


  1. Love the colors and the addition of the dots! I have seen a few watermarbles lately that add dots and its such a nice touch! :)

  2. This looks great! I keep saying I'm going to try water marbling, but never do lol. I love the way yours looks!

  3. I like this a lot! I especially love the addition of the dots, makes it that much cuter! Definitely looks like camo, though I wonder if adding a tan polish would add or subtract from the camo effect. Love it!
