
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Consistency is not my middle name + Cute Blog Award!

Due to random illnesses (seriously? food poisoning twice in one week?) I hadn't really been doing much with my nails, or been able to post older photos because that would have required me to forsake my porcelain god. I'm all better now, though, and I'm looking forward to posting more regularly as I actually gain bits of confidence in my work.

A note to the few people that (so far) follow me: I read all of your blogs! I love them! I love the variety and the personality behind each and every one of them. Speaking of awesome bloggers, franken master (seriously, girl has skills) Ashesela over at ArtEvolve tagged me for a Cute Blog Award! This is, in fact, an incredibly cute award. Why haven't I done something like this to my nails yet? #Shitnailaddictsthink (I don't even use twitter, but this was appropriate here)

For this award you:

1. Link back to the person who awarded you
2. Answer the award questions
3. Tell something about yourself that you haven't told anyone on your blog yet
4. Award as many blogs as you think are worthy of this award
5. Make sure to let those you gave this award to know that you awarded them.

The Award Questions:

1. What is your go to makeup product?
- I honestly don't wear make up. I use chapstick? :\ I actually would like to learn how to properly wear make up, but I'm too focused on nail stuff right now worry about it.

2. What was your favorite fashion trend of 2011?
- I know nail art got really big, so we'll go with that because I might as well live in Latveria when it comes to fashion. 

3. What is your favorite dessert?
- First, I must ask Ashesela: What is polish cheesecake please?! That already sounds amazing because I imagine it involves a pierogie somehow! I like strawberry cheesecake. A lot. 

4. Favourite color?
- Green (Yes, I will own every green nail polish)

5. What is your middle name?
- Lee

6. What was the last song that you listened to?

7. Cats or dogs?
- Both (No need to change this >^.^<)

Something about myself that you don't know:
Hmmm... my dream is to create the most epic She-Ra nail art design ever. 


I tag:

Everyone else has received it multiple times... so I won't spam you guys.

Next time, THERE WILL BE POLISH PICS! Thanks for reading!


  1. Congratulations on your award :) Lovely blog x

    1. Thank you! You are one of the ones I didn't tag because you'd already done it :)

  2. Congrats on the award and thanks for tagging me! I've been really busy lately but I will have the tag on my blog as soon as possible!
