
Monday, June 17, 2013

O.P.I. - Live and Let Die

This lovely polish from O.P.I. was a gift from my husband, who continues to impress me with his taste in nail polish. Live and Let Die is really quite beautiful! As always, I say my pictures do not do it any justice, but I will show you anyway.

These photos were taken a few weeks ago, before I had to chop off my nails. They're nearly back to their regular length now (praise the polish goddesses). 

My favorite part about this polish is that in normal room lighting, it's just a super shiny dark green, but in the sun it gets all glowy and golden and is just lovely! 

Thanks for reading :)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Hard Candy - Beetle

Here's the problem: I have 12  photos of Beetle by Hard Candy. TWELVE. That may not seem like a lot, but I usually struggle to get 5 or 6 good pictures. I took over 30 and I honestly couldn't get it down to any less than 12 photos. I want to show them all in my blog because I think every photo shows something a little bit different in this polish. I know it's not new to most people, and I know many wonderful photos have been taken and shown already. But *whining* these are my photos and I finally got this polish and I'm so proud and and and well, it's new to me so.... HERE:

Needless to say, I absolutely freakin' LOVE Beetle!!! These photos show two coats over black. I wonder how it would be over other colors? Hmmmm... You know, I love this polish so much it almost makes me angry! Haha I think everyone should have a polish in their lives that is so damned gorgeous that it makes them angry.

Thanks for reading :)

Monday, June 10, 2013

China Glaze - Water You Waiting For + Art

Today's post features Water You Waiting For from China Glaze. This is a gorgeous blue glitter. I'm always hesitant with finer glitters... I tend to assume they will all just look the same. Then I get one, use it, and I'm usually wrong! Such was the case with Water You Waiting For. The pictures show four coats for complete opacity, plus a top coat.

The glitter reminded me so much of actual water that I decided to throw some under-the-sea-inspired nail art on top!

The colors I used for the art were Make Some Noise (China Glaze), Arizona (Zoya), Exotic Green (Sinful Colors), and Alpine Snow (O.P.I.)

I am pretty happy with how cute these turned out! And I am definitely also happy that I was actually inspired to do some artwork. 

Thanks for reading :)

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Blue Brush Stroke Gradient

I've been in a major nail art funk lately. I can swatch all day, but I can't come up with a design for the life of me. I believe it's due to an overload of inspiration. Sounds silly, but there are so many talented bloggers producing awesome art that it can be a little overwhelming! In a good way, of course! ;) So since my own brain isn't cooperating, I snagged this idea from A Little Polish! I didn't really have any idea how she did it, so I just went by what it looked like.. It went ok! Not as brush-strokey-looking as hers, but I am happy with them.

The light blue is Dreamer (Revlon) and the darker blue is Mount Royal (American Apparel)

Has anyone tried brush stroke art like this or like A Little Polish's? I wanna seeeee! 

Thanks for reading :)

Saturday, June 1, 2013

L.A. Colors - Flurry

Today's post features the lovely Suzi Says Feng Shui as underwear to a pretty glitter called Flurry. I didn't try Flurry by itself yet, but over this gorgeous blue it is pretty fantastic! The pictures show two coats of each polish plus a top coat. 

There was slightly more sparkle to Flurry in the sunlight, but of course the sun remained hidden for my photos :| 

All in all, A++ on both, would combine for awesome blue times again!

Thanks for reading :)

Saturday, May 25, 2013

China Glaze Holos

I have heard a lot of bad things about China Glaze's Holographic Collection, and I heard it all after I had already picked up Galactic Gray and Infra-Red. I didn't find them to be as troublesome as I expected after reading some reviews, but they were certainly not a smooth, easy application.  However, the holo effect in Galactic Gray makes it worth the effort to me. The colors are so strong and vivid, even in regular lighting. 

I'm a little less excited about Infra Red. In the sunlight it's pretty - and bright, but inside it's quite dull and boring. More of a dusty rose color than anything.

Most of the photos of Infra Red did nothing to show the holo-ness - these were the best I could do :\ 
These polishes, if nothing else, have made me realize that I definitely need more holographic polishes in my life! Perhaps a blue... a linear purple...light pink....hmmm haha 

Thanks for reading :)

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Sephora - Is She For Real? (Spoiler Alert: YES!)

Is She For Real? is my first Sephora polish, and I wasn't disappointed one bit by it! In regular light, the bottle just looks like a very pretty silver.. but then you notice all of the different colors of glitter.. and your mind is then blown. I'm really not even sure how to describe it exactly, so I'll just let the pictures speak for themselves. I advise clicking them to enlarge :)

A little bit blurry to show all the glitters!

My husband is actually the one that picked this out. Usually he does a pretty good job, and this time was no exception.

BIIGGGGG thanks to Kas from Varnished Valkyrie for the tips on making my photos appear bigger!

Thanks for reading :)