
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Guest Post over at Mixed Mama!

So there's this super beautiful (GREAT HAIR for serious) and talented lady over at MixedMama who allowed me to do a guest post for her blog! I used a lot of green. Are you shocked?!  You should head on over there to check it out! Remember, I used this as a base:

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


You all might remember that I mentioned the lovely Jen AKA The Polished Zombie... turns out she's not only beautiful, talOnted, and hilarious, but also incredibly generous! She put together a package full of green and badassery for me that honestly just blew me away. Even my dad had to comment about what a sweetie she was :)

Here are all the goodies!

That little mini is none other than Pink Penguin by F4. I immediately had to test it out, but didn't want to use much so I swatched her on my pinky.


Personally I think it looks a lot like girly TV static - I can't describe how awesome that is!!!

I also swatched the Maybelline Express Finish Go Go Green. Usually something this frosty isn't my style, but WOW does this polish look stunning in the sunlight!

One of my other favorite shades of the bunch was a wonderful neon granny smith apple color by Cosmetic Arts. They really should name their polishes. I'm naming this one Goblin Jizz

To see what nail art I threw on top of this, check out Mixed Mama tomorrow for my guest post!


Thanks for reading!

Hospitals and Starfish

So I had to go to the hospital again and they admitted me and did tests and found out I have some acid issues. Not good. I have some different meds now, though, and hopefully I can get it under control soon.

I have some gross pictures of my stomach and intestines that I thought about posting, but not sure how that would look so.. haha YEAH! My arm got all messed up from the tape and IVs. That I can show you:


The IV wasn't in my inner elbow, all that bruising is from the tape! The IV was on the side of my elbow where all the littler dots are. ANYWAY... 

Before all of this happened, I saw these cute nails on tumblr and decided I had to recreate them. I didn't stick to the exact design, and I definitely like how they turned out!

I regret not sponging down some gold glitter first, but they're still pretty beachy and fun! Started off with a base of Revlon's Sheer Nude. The blue is Towel Boy Toy (China Glaze), the green Kiwi Cool-Ada (China Glaze) and the pink is Make Some Noise (shockingly, China Glaze). 

I used NYC's Extra Shiny Top Coat because I liked the shine it creates, but I wanted to warn people against this top coat in general. Had I intended to wear this for more than a few hours, I would NOT have used Extra Shiny Top Coat. It cracks HORRIBLY. The first time I used it I had no idea and when I woke up the next day my design had literally shattered. 

I hope everyone is having a lovely and a less hot and humid week than me! Thanks for reading :)

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Blue Year's Eve! Not out of season at all!

So I was really sick for a few days, ended up getting some hospital treatment for dehydration and vitamin issues, but all is well now (so far!) and I can resume normal posting!!

Today I have this absolutely freaking stunning polish by China Glaze - Blue Year's Eve. It really didn't look like much when I first got it, just another pretty blue. Then I noticed that it was a bit duochrome! It shines purple occasionally!! None of my pictures really capture this very well. I blame cloudy PA weather.  It's still gorgeous even without the purple tint though.

I absolutely freaking adore the way my camera captures blues. They're always insanely color accurate no matter the lighting. Darker blues, anyway. 

Application was a breeze - two coats for full coverage and this is with NO TOP COAT. Yeah. Shocked? I was. So if you're a blue person, this is a polish you for sure want to pick up!!

Thanks for reading :)