
Friday, April 20, 2012

Day 26 - Inspired by a Pattern

So technically this wasn't inspired by a pattern unless you count being inspired by my bundle monster plate... but it's a pattern so it counts! I love the idea of stamping with a gradient or a variety of colors, so I decided to give it a try! The results were so-so. I'm happy I was able to stamp with two or more colors, though, that was a happy thing!

Colors used include: Mellow Yellow - Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear, How I Met Your Magenta - Wet N Wild, and Sunny Side Up - Wet N Wild and Dove - Zoya as a base.

So that was fun. My cuticles are not having a good time because my fingers were buried in acetone most of the day. I don't know what it was about Dove but I just could NOT get it to apply correctly. I also felt like a giant using the tiny tiny brush handle which is saying something because I have small hands.

Moral of the story: I'm filing my damned nails back into square shapes like the flying spaghetti monster intended!

Thanks for reading :)

Thursday, April 19, 2012

I Nubar 2010'd I Have a Herring Problem

This is an old manicure I did but never got around to posting. I reshaped my nails today and wasn't too happy with the results. So, like the big baby that I am I pouted and didn't do my "Inspired by a Pattern" design. Spoiler alert: It involves animal print! Shocking, I know!

So here are some pictures of my nails before I shaped them into ghastly little round nubbins!!

As per usual my camera made the blue a twinge lighter than it actually is. I was told to adjust my white balance, but I have no idea what that means. I suppose I should check my camera manual to perhaps fix this! Anyway, stay tuned for my weird round nails. This is not to say I think round nails are weird, in fact I love them - that is why I tried to shape mine that way. They just look weird on me. This is the first time my nails have ever been rounded! Ok I'll stop rambling about my filing problems now...

Thanks for reading :)

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Day 24/Day 25 - Inspired by a Movie/Fashion

Originally I was going to do Young Einstein nails (if you haven't seen that movie, go watch it now. Seriously. Do it.) but got randomly inspired by Toy Story 3. Not only does this fit for the movie nails, but also for fashion since it is based on Barbie and Ken's clothes in the movie. I'm only meshing these together because I accidentally skipped the movie day all together and didn't want to get too far out of order.

Here are some reference images


And the design

I am incredibly happy with the thumb and pinky, pretty satisfied with the pointer and ring, and baffled at the middle nail. No idea what happened there. There are some of the craziest air bubbles I have ever seen in there! O.o

Colors used include: For Audrey - China Glaze, How I Met Your Magenta - Wet N Wild, Mellow Yellow - Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear, White On - Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear, Flower Girl and Fashionista - Sinful Colors (stripers), and a generic blue that I found at Ross in a set.

What do you guys think? Probably going to do another design that features the leopard print again. I am apparently becoming obsessed with leopard print! 

Thanks for reading :)

The Teal Sessions

I made this! Yes, me! Yay! I used some cheap polish that I had only planned on using for nail art and a few different glitters. This is the second franken I have created, the first shall be shown after I send it out to its new owner!

These pictures were taken using a cell phone camera because my camera hates teal. Obviously my camera has bad taste! So what do you guys think? You want to buy it, I know. ;)

On another note, I'm pretty spacey and apparently went out of order on my 30 day challenge (not that I've stuck to the timing at all anyway!) So I'm going to try to do both movie and fashion inspired nails tomorrow. It can happen!!

Thanks for reading!

Monday, April 16, 2012

Giveaway Winner!!!

Congrats entry #18 - Helen Tarason! You win! Yay! Helen has a lovely little blog that you can find right here!

If she doesn't respond within 48 hours, I'll pick someone else.

I didn't take screen shots because to be honest I had to do it a few times anyway. The first few people I picked didn't follow the rules so they were disqualified. Sorry!

Thank you for all of your entries :D


In approximately 2 hours my giveaway will end! Have you entered?!

Clicky clicky!!

Note: I know I've been absent - and what shitty timing after gaining a lot of followers - I have just been SERIOUSLY lacking inspiration. I hope to get some awesome art done tonight, but in the meantime I have been creating some frankens! Ash over at ArtEvolve is forever creating the most bad ass frankens and she has inspired me to give it a go myself. One of them is a custom for a good friend of mine so I can't show that yet as even she hasn't seen it, but hopefully I'll get to post about some of them soon :)

Thanks for reading! And good luck to everyone! I am so grateful for all of you wonderful ladies (and gents)!