
Sunday, August 12, 2012

Ladies First by SnailZ Lacquer (HOLY BALLS)

It's... a purple..jelly...flaky... franken! The lovely Ashesela over at Art Evolve is quite the frankenista (that is totally a word!) and I have been forever drooling over her creations. Luckily, Ash is quite generous and sent me one of her creations (Ladies First) as a wedding gift. I'm going to link her photos because they are a touch (ok a lot) better looking, but I couldn't not show you all of the glimmery, flaky wonder on my nails right now!

Two coats Ladies First, no undies!

I feel that this lighting and my poor photography skills actually showed off this polish pretty well. It truly does look like my nails are constantly lighting up and just shimmmmmmering! I can't wait to do more with this beauty - anyone have any suggestions? There is definitely some sort of sandwich in the future for Ladies First, but I'd love any other ideas!

Here are Ash's photos (She may have done more coats than me as hers turned out darker)

And thanks for reading :)

Saturday, August 11, 2012

I have returned!

I still don't have the best lighting set up... but I miss blogging quite a bit so I guess my readers will just have to suffer through my lackluster photos!

The big new I eluded to before.. I got married! Totally sudden and totally unexpected, but it was pretty much the best decision I have ever made. Mr.Nail Noise is not only quite talented himself (he sews, ladies! YEAH!) but he fully supports and even encourages my nail polish addiction. It's quite sad really -- I can't look at a polish at the store without him insisting that I purchase it! Awesome but dangerous for the wallet.

So first I have the nails I did for my wedding day. We didn't have a big ceremony, just a quick visit to the courthouse. I saw this design on heynicenails and figured it'd be simple enough to do to both my hands. For once, both my hands matched. This is a definite rarity for me ;)

Remember how I told you Mr. Nail Noise was very supportive? That might have been an understatement. Yeah, these are our matching nails - what of it?! We spent a day at the zoo and wanted something bright and animal-like, so this manicure was born:


My hands even kind of match each other again! WOO!

I also have some manicures to throw in here at the end - not as professional looking, but I wanted to have a record of them anyway.

Pink Penguin by F4 and Nubar Black Polka Dot
 over a black and white gradient

Sally Hansen Garnet Lapis over Sally Hansen CSM in Petrol


Lastly, I did a little stamping over a friend's acrylics - smeared with a top coat a little, but still looked pretty awesome if you ask me! 

Also she had awesome shoes:


So that's what I've been up to -- married life is pretty awesome. 

Special note: I received a frickin' AMAZEBALLS franken from Ashesela over at ArtEvolve. It deserves its own post, though. And I'm disappointed that the photos don't do it any justice at ALL. You are the sweetest Miss Ash! 

Thanks for reading :)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Old (but FUN!) nail art

This is a few weeks old, but I never blogged about it. I saw design this on tumblr by JamboNails and I knew I had to try it. Of course it didn't come out anything like the original, but I am super pleased with the results anyway!!

The pink is Pool Party (ChG), the green is Kiwi Cool-Ada, and the orange is Knockout Orange I think... I don't have the bottle anywhere near me so forgive me if the name is wrong! I used a nail art striper for the black lines and dots. BAD LIGHTING IS BAD. I WILL be building a gosh darned light box soon! 

I hope everyone is having a lovely weekend!!! 

Sunday, July 8, 2012

More dots - with cheap but awesome Dawn

Sometimes you get super cheap polish and it sucks - more often than not this is the case. I was pleasantly surprised by this little lady that I got from Dollar Tree. While it takes a few coats to get opaque (3 for no VNL), I really liked the finished product. It had no name, only the brand Dawn. These photos are with top coat. 

I felt it was kind of boring on its own, so I dotted it up!

These are some bonus photos of my Mom's nails. She let me do random things to them! :)

These were done for my cousin for a wedding. I was working without all of my supplies for these projects... very sad, but I guess I made it work ok - she liked them!

I'm in the process of moving at the moment, so I'm not around my computer nearly as often as I'd like to be :( But soon... soon.... NAILS EVERYWHERE. 

Thanks for reading this insanely boring post :)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Dotty flowers

These are sort of flowers... I really love this color combination and just sat there knowing I would fail at water marbling... and then DOTS. Hah ALWAYS DOTS.

The base is Army Jacket by American Apparel. I really do love their formula. So smooth and thick...mmmm...

The dots are: Exotic Green (SC),  Arizona (Zoya), Mellow Yellow (Xtreme Wear), and Mahogany Magic (ChG).

All the bubbling is the fault of my top coat. I don't care what people say, adding thinner causes bubbling. Especially if you have to add it every time you use it. Does this happen with Seche Vite/Restore? Does it create bubbling? I am really considering making the switch. 

Note: My absence was mostly due to some new coolness in my life that I can't discuss on here just quite yet, but it is AWESOME. I am going to try to post 3 times a week from now on. I'm not going to attempt every day because I know it won't happen. I am thinking of also having a couple guest posts just for no reason other than I'd like to showcase some cool blogs, new blogs, or just talented artists. If you have any interest, feel free to send me an email at -- You don't have to be a blogger!

I hope everyone is well, and I thank you for reading :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Guest Post over at Mixed Mama!

So there's this super beautiful (GREAT HAIR for serious) and talented lady over at MixedMama who allowed me to do a guest post for her blog! I used a lot of green. Are you shocked?!  You should head on over there to check it out! Remember, I used this as a base:

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


You all might remember that I mentioned the lovely Jen AKA The Polished Zombie... turns out she's not only beautiful, talOnted, and hilarious, but also incredibly generous! She put together a package full of green and badassery for me that honestly just blew me away. Even my dad had to comment about what a sweetie she was :)

Here are all the goodies!

That little mini is none other than Pink Penguin by F4. I immediately had to test it out, but didn't want to use much so I swatched her on my pinky.


Personally I think it looks a lot like girly TV static - I can't describe how awesome that is!!!

I also swatched the Maybelline Express Finish Go Go Green. Usually something this frosty isn't my style, but WOW does this polish look stunning in the sunlight!

One of my other favorite shades of the bunch was a wonderful neon granny smith apple color by Cosmetic Arts. They really should name their polishes. I'm naming this one Goblin Jizz

To see what nail art I threw on top of this, check out Mixed Mama tomorrow for my guest post!


Thanks for reading!